This is a multiple part series providing the historical truth about religion and the Roman Catholic Church.
PART ONE - Introduction
PART TWO - Church History from Roman Catholic Church Documents
PART THREE - Church Timelines from Roman Catholic Church Documents
PART FOUR - Foundation of the Roman Catholic Church from Their Documents
PART FIVE - Roman Catholic Church Architecture & Building Timelines
PART SIX - History & Organizational Structure
PART SEVEN - History of the Papacy and the Popes
PART EIGHT - Roman Catholic Church Councils (Canon Law)
PART NINE - Roman Catholic Church Mass Part One
PART TEN - Roman Catholic Church Mass Part Two
PART ELEVEN - Idolatry Worship of a Woman Named Mary
PART TWELVE - Transcript of Dave Hunt's Presentation
I was raised a Catholic. The sign of the cross may be upside-down as done by some, but I was taught to place the lower point at my navel, making the sign of the cross right-side-up. The upside-down cross, in my opinion, is just a lazy expression of not reaching down far. Be careful of insinuations. The upside-down cross does exist in the Vatican. There are photos of Pope John-Paul II beside a chair that has an obvious upside-down cross cut in it. The upside-down cross is not taught to "the masses."
Part 1 speaks of the linguistic origin of "religion" as that of "legion." I disagree. It comes from the Latin word, "religio," which means "to link back." Religion links us back to our origin, God. The English word, "ligament," is also rooted by religio.
Jim Part 5 is very educational. Part 6 is CONFIRMATION OF TRUTH, regarding the pagan basis and the promulgation of the Luciferian church wrapped up in the veil of the RCC!
Having read the four part writngs on this subject, I find myself grateful for the insight from your studies Jim. These writings are worth continued reading and exploring.They are masterfully done!
Thanks very much!