Thank you. So we're gonna take up this last letter and we're going to go through it. We're going to look at some applications as to the environment, to your life, your home, whatever, and we're going to end this and then take up a Bible study that you never had before, okay? And so when we go through this and close this up, we're going to talk about a few things that we need you to do. And we're going to have the prayer at the end, okay? I'm not going to do it earlier because I think it is more apropos at the end instead of the beginning. So we're going to do that at the end. So we're going to deal with the Revelation. Okay, so this is the timeline. You're going to see this a lot, okay? I've said this before. This is the timeline of the Bible and you're going to get more added to this starting next week. But the creation was seven days. It's split up into two areas. One is the first 4,000 years and the end is the last 3,000 years with 2,000 years being the age of the church and the last 1,000 years to be the millennium. We know that basically it starts with the formation of Adam and it ends at the birth of Christ. There is this transitional period of Christ walking upon the earth and upon Christ's death we have then the age of the church because the Jewish community rejected Christ in the stoning of Stephen and God saved Paul and we started the age of the church. I'm going to get into all of that in detail. All right, so the Bible has a transitionary. The Old Testament begins with Genesis and ends in John. Well, it ends at the last part of John. It ends at the last part of Matthew, the last part of Mark, the last part of Luke and John because when they talk about things after Christ's death it applies to not only the Jews and the Gentiles but everything prior to Christ's death is the Old Testament focus. All right, and the transition period is through Christ with Acts. Acts is the transitionary document. The New Testament begins with Acts and Revelation. The dispensations are important. You're going to see that next week because the dispensations are fluid. They're fluid in the whole process of the Bible, okay? Up here, one, two, and three, it is the culmination of the development of the nation of Israel but when you get into Abraham and forward it is fluid. They go back and forth and you'll see that, okay? So this is important to understand. You're going to see this in a lot of ways. Okay, so the seven churches, we're into Laodicea, but just as a review, seven churches are Ephesus, the bottle church, the one that Paul wrote about your doctrine and your application. That's what we're going to study in Ephesians. We're going to study the sixth chapter but it's going to be a long study. Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. The seven churches are representative of history. You can lay out exactly what was going in the church at each one of these points and you can overlay that in history and you can see 2,000 years of history. We're in Laodicea now, okay? No question about it. We're there. Okay, so we need also be reminded that this is not skeptical. John saw this, okay? He was taken out. His spiritual part was taken out and was given a ride to heaven that he could actually see everything that he reports. Just like Paul did. Paul went to the third heaven and saw it. Enoch went. So this is no different. This is not speculation. This is not conjecture. This is what John saw and he reported it back in scripture as directed by Christ. Okay, so our 2,000 years of the church age. We got this from Hosea, right? Remember? So we have this period of time that represents the 30 years and acts from the start of the church and all of the rest of the books of the New Testament is the doctrine and the application of that doctrine until you get into Revelation and then you find out that basically the 2,000 years combined equals the 2,000 years of the scripture from Hosea. Okay, so these are actual churches. In scripture, it identifies a term called churches, meaning that every letter for each church applied to the other church. And it was homiletic because it says he that hath an ear is a personal letter that applies to us. Every one of these churches applies to us. You're going to get that at the end of this because we're going to give you an exercise. They're prophetic because it identifies our history. We've already shown you that in the historical points that we reviewed in every one of the previous letters. I'm going to do that with Laodicea as well. There are seven elements to the design of the letter. There's the name of the church, which is critical because the name means something. There's a title of Christ using, which is also critical because Christ identifies himself with that church. There's accommodation, the good news, the concern, the bad news, the expectation of what to correct, the promise to the overcomer. This is critical because this is exactly what you have to do to overcome this world. You find it in the church, but this is an application of world events. It gives you the whole history of the world. So you need to understand that when we talk about an overcomer, this is not an overcomer in that church. This is an overcomer of the world. The conditions of the world. So he that hath an ear, let's put church. This is the close. Every detail will prove important and the closing frames will prove illuminating. Okay, so let's get into Laodicea. The city was originally founded by the Ionians in about 2000 BC and was a relative small town of Diospolis, but in the 19th century BC. So this is 1900 years before the birth of Christ. The Hittites, remember the Hittites? Noah, the Hittites. Okay, how the giants got on the boats. Okay, so in 1900, 19th century BC, the Hittites added it to their expanding empire. Okay, so now you know how the Hittites got their power and all the other things that we could talk about Noah, but it was the Hittites that brought the giants into the boat. That was Noah's wife. She was a Hittite and she actually took three women, Hittite women, and had them married to three sons. So a thousand years or later, it was captured by the Thagians and soon after was captured by the Lydians. It was renamed Rojas, but about 250 BC was taken back by the Syrians and the Antioch, or Antiochus II rebuilt the town and renamed it after his wife, Laodice. It became the part of the kingdom of Pergamos about 190 BC and ultimately passed to the hands of the Roman empire. According to Josephus, there was a large Jewish colony there. Now you have to remember the history and we're not going to, in this, in our study of the Bible, we're not going to go through history. God's talked to me and we're dealing with another thing. How do I, he's telling me to get into history and build that. I just don't know where, I just told him I don't know where the time's coming, so we'll see. But if you look at the history from Babylon all through the empires, there's six to Rome, all through that empire, every empire took on the previous empire's rulership laws and worship religion. So leading up to Rome, you've got all of these previous empires' darkness that came into Rome, and Rome took it all. And when Rome dispersed throughout the world, they dispersed not only their governmental structure, they did their lives and they did their religion. Okay, so every world country is built upon Roman law, Roman governmental structure, and Roman religion. Okay, and it's going to be Rome that comes back. We're going to see Rome come back in chapter 18 and 19 of Revelation, okay, because that is the empire that was never conquered. So, Laodicea was known for their water supply. They had three industries that they dealt with, okay, but they were known for the water supply. It was 45 miles south of Philadelphia, not far from Colossae, on the banks of the river Lycus, a tributary of the Neander rivers. It was a twin of Heropolis, six miles away, which was renowned for its hot springs. Okay, so they had in one section hot springs, very, very hot water, in another section they had cold water, okay, around Colossae. And to bring water into Laodicea, they merged the two in a waterway that gave them lukewarm water. Okay, so they were neither hot nor cold. The water merged coming into the city as lukewarm water. Okay, so their economy. Laodicea was a large and prosperous city of merchants, bankers, and gold refiners. All right, I'm going to say that this was the premise, even though the bankers came out of Japheth's line of Noah, this was the premise by which the banking cabal was set up, okay. Because of their junction of the roads leading into Ephesus, the sparrow wealth flowed to Laodicea, where the caravan trade is for East as the Yellow River in Punjab by the China Sea. So this area controlled the entire banking system throughout not only the area of Laodicea, but through Rome and to China. So there was an earthquake in Laodicea about 62 AD, this is after the death, and it was the citizenry rebuilt the city without the help of Rome. Okay, so you know that their wealth was critical to them. They didn't want any help, they didn't need any help, they were able to do it. Okay, they were known for their neutrality, it was never militarily defendable, so it was a strategic position, what was one of compromise. They tried to compromise with everybody, look at the world, look at our banking system, they try to compromise with everybody. It's the same thing that's going on today guys, they try to compromise with everybody to keep the strife down, but they wanted to control it from a financial side because they had the money. A highly successful commercial and financial center, that is absolutely true. The remains of a theater and aqueducts and baths and gymnasiums and stadiums still survive to testify of its former election. You could go into this area today and see gymnasiums, see aqueducts, see stadiums, theaters, all kinds of stuff. Now they were also known for their textile manufacturing because they were able to create color in wool. So they produced from a particular strain of sheep, bred in the Lacosse Valley for the cloth and the carpets manufactured from it. Even today, I have a rug downstairs that's underneath our dining room table, that is, oh my gosh, I just lost the word, it's Persian, it's a Persian rug, sorry, it's Persian and the black side, when I bought this many, many years ago, I asked the history of this rug, where did it come from? It came from this region. It was built in this region because the background colors of the rug is black and all of the other colors that was built came from this region. So they still do this. And there's also a famous school there for medicine. Your eye wash, your salves, all of that stuff that you use for your eyes, especially if you have contacts, begin right here. They have the best educational school for eye medicine and that's what they were renowned for back then. Okay, so the church history. We don't know actually who founded it. Afares could have founded it because there's a reference in Colossians that says something like that. But I think it was from the Ephesus church and people moving. Now you've got to also remember Paul never visited Laodicea. He visited all of the churches, but he didn't visit Laodicea. But he addressed a letter to it. Okay, so it's believed that basically it was started out of the Ephesus church. Okay, so Paul's first letter to Timothy may have been written by him from Laodicea. Okay, we don't have specific reference in scripture to tell us whether or not Paul actually visited Laodicea or not. Some of the traditional historical documents indicate he never did, but we don't know for sure. Okay, so we just have to deal on that now. But what we have is a tie to Paul's letter to the Philemon individual to take back his servant, and he was either in Colossae, which is Colossians, or he was in Laodicea. We just don't, we don't have the tie, so I can't give you specific historical reference. You just have to understand that this church was actually formed through the advent of the Ephesians church. All right, so let's get into the letter. Okay, so enter the angel of the church in Laodicea. Right now, we also know that angel here is messenger. Okay, so the word Laodicea means people, and Laodicea means rulers. So we know that the term Laodicea is the rule of or ruled by the people, and also meaning the self-satisfied church. This was a church ruled by the people, not Christ. So this was an apostate church, because you don't have a church ruled by man. You have a church ruled by Christ. So this church was ruled by man, so it was an apostate church. These things, saith the Amen, the fulfillment of faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. Okay, the foundational character of Christ, this is, we're talking about the identification of Christ in the letter, is the faithful and true witness. I'm giving you scripture references that you can actually go do some more research. Now, the word Amen here goes back to the beginning of creation of God, means the beginning, first origin. The Amen's got a whole series of meanings, but in this contextual scripture under the Greek word that they use, this reference going back to the beginning of time, it says, I was there before creation was even created. That's what it means. So the term is used of rank and honor. Paul specifically instructed that Colossae and Laodicea exchange epistles. So that's what all of the churches did. But this Laodicea was mainly tied to the Gnostic Gospels. Didn't come out of the Jewish community. This came out of the pagan Gentile community doctrine. All right, so the concern. I know that works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would, thou wert cold or hot. In other words, he wants him to either be cold or hot because he can deal with them. Because lukewarmness, he can't deal with them. So the only thing this means is basically the condition of the health of the church was neither for God or against God. They were just there dealing with what they wanted to do at the time, and it made God sick. And he just said, I'm going to vomit you out of my mouth. You're going to go. I can't deal with you. Because thou sayest, I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and naked. I'll tell you what, when you understand what that really means, it means that basically you're living a life that you don't even know that you're poor, that you're wretched, that you're miserable, and you're naked. Okay, you don't know that. You're living just your haphazard life during this time, and you're going about your merry way without consideration of what God has told you to do. And because of that, you're laid to bear to the community. So he says to these people, you need to buy for me. You need to buy gold for me. Tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white-raimented. In other words, I need to clothe you in righteous clothes, instead of your worldly dress that you're currently doing. Okay, now remember, they brought all of the fornication and all that stuff inside the church. Can you imagine looking at today's environment and how people dress today and take it back to then and see how they were dressed then, because they brought all of this corruption into the church? The females must have been dressed in an arraignment that was nothing more than a seductive thing. Think of today and then go back to then. So back then, you can imagine that this church was nothing more than a fashion center to seduce the opposite to do the fornication inside the church, because that's what they were doing. Okay, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear. All right, and anoint thine eyes with eye salve. In other words, that's what they were making, that thou mayest see, because they were blind. They couldn't see the spiritual truth. And as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous, therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me. Okay, so he has gone from the church, the corporate setting, whatever that might be, and homes at that time, now to the individual level. Okay, so Christ is saying, I've gotten rid of, I've taken the corporate church out of my mind, because you're not even listening to me, and I'm just going to go to the individuals, and I'm going to make a plea to the individuals that says, I'm going to stand at your church door, and I'm going to knock. And if you want to hear my voice, and you open the door to me, I will come in to him as an individual and sup with him as an individual, and he with me. There's no more corporate church. Ah, think about that today. The apostate church has no ability to formulate the religion of Christ and survive the tribulation. It's just not going to happen. So promise to the overcomer. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in heaven. Now this is significant. This is the first time that Christ has used this structure. What did he overcome? Christ was sinless. What did he have to overcome? When Christ was tempted by Satan, where he fasted three times for 40 days, and he was tempted three times in different avenues, he had to overcome those temptations. So what he's telling you is you need to overcome your temptations just like I had to overcome my temptations, and if you do, you can sit with me in my throne, which he didn't offer anybody else. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord said to the churches. Now on whose throne? The throne room of the universe is in chapter four. The throne room is the throne room of Christ, and we get this in Hebrews and Luke and Timothy. Hebrews 1-3. Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty of the high. What he's saying is when he died on the cross, remember all of the sins were put on him. The whole world sins were put on him, and when he died and was resurrected and ascended to heaven, he sits on the right hand of the majesty of on high, which means he sits on the right hand of God. In Luke 22-30, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom. This is the feast of the bride that we're going to have when we get raptured, okay, and sit on the thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel, because why? We get the church gets raptured first, and then the great tribulation, and then Christ judges the 12 tribes, and we get part of that judgment. That's what he's telling us. If we suffer, and this is 2 Timothy 2-12, if we suffer, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he also would die us. What he's, what this is telling us is if you pronounce Jesus Christ as your savior, he will pronounce you in front of the father. If you deny him that he's your savior, he's going to deny you in front of his father. You don't have access to heaven. You're going to the pit. All right, let's look at the perspectives. This is to all churches. All right, so let's just review all of this, because we're going to need to do this when we do this. So Ephesus was, their problem was at not having a devotion. They had the doctrine, but they didn't have a relationship with Christ. Smyrna, they had to endure persecution, because the Romans were beginning to persecute the church. This was the start of moving from the model church to apostasy. Pergamon, purify ambassadorship. They brought the world into the church. Tharatyr, pagan practices. Not only did they bring the, not only did they take what Pergamon done, they brought all the idols in the church as well. Sardis, watchfulness and diligence. Philadelphia, they were the missionary outreach. And Laodicea was prosperous, compromised. In other words, they should be looking to the Lord and not compromising with the world. How does this apply to us today? This is something you need to take note of. Ephesus, the individuals neglected priorities. In Smyrna, satanic opposition. In Rhodes, they were getting tempted and they were getting persecuted by the Roman Empire because they were satanic worshiping idols, and they were putting it back on the church. Pergamon, spiritual compromise. They brought the world, they married the world into the church. Tharatyr, they had pagan practices. They not only brought the fornication into the church, they brought the idol worship in the all of the pagan rituals. Sardis, they need to be watchful and they need to have diligence as to, because this was the Reformation. They were trying to come back out of the corruption, but they weren't quite there. Philadelphia, loyal ambassadorship. This was a missionary church. You need to be loyal to Christ in everything you did because your witness is the ambassadorship of Christ. Laodicea was to repent and be committed materialistic apostasy. This is very difficult at an individual if you're there, because you got to take yourself out of the world to do that in accordance to Scripture. The majority of the people, even today, the majority of the people don't have that strength to do that. Promises to the overcomer. In Ephesus, Christ said, if you overcome and have a relationship with me, you can eat of the tree of life. Smyrna, they're not going to be hurt by their second death. In other words, if they just stay on course, okay, they're not going to experience a second death. Pergamon, man of stone, DNA change, they had this whole problem because they're not going to get a ticket to heaven. Thyatira, what they had was power over the nations, and therefore, individuals were not going to walk with Christ. Now, Sardis walked with him in white name. Okay, this is the reason why the Reformation started. It didn't end well. Even the people in the Reformation had pretty much the same problems as the Catholic Church that they were trying to get out of. Philadelphia was a pillar in the temple, name of God, name of the city, new name. This is where you got your white stone. Laodicea, sit with him on his throne. Those that overcome would be elevated to be able to sit with him on the throne. Now, what is the overcomer? We find this in 1 John 4 and 5. For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. We're going to get more in depth in this when we get into Ephesians. You're going to see all this come together. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. In other words, this was the condition by which Paul had his gospel, believeth that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died, the blood, sacrifices, so forth and so on. Laodicea was apostate church. All right, so this gives us a view of all of the letters to the church. We find that that Sardis and Laodicea had no accommodation. Those that didn't do that were doing anything right. Now, this is a Reformation church, so they weren't doing anything right in their movement in those days. We find that Smyrna and Philadelphia had no concerns. This was the church that basically said, keep going forward, just be true to your walk. This is a missionary church that basically opened the door back up to Christ after all of this mess from Roman Catholic Church startup to Sardis and the Reformation. The prophetic profile of the seven churches, we already know that these first three churches, they had the promise to the overcomer in postscript because we know that these churches have exodus the world. There are now Islamic churches in the area. These last four churches are in what we call group B. They had in the body of the letter the promise to the overcomer there, but we know that Thyatira and Sardis and Laodicea are going into the Great Tribulation. The only one that has been promised not to go into the Great Tribulation is Philadelphia with them going directly to the axis of God. All right, we're done with Laodicea, but let's talk about where we're moving forward because this is critical. Let's do this a point in time. Let's deal with the seven churches. The seven churches have identified exactly the conditions of life today. So for you to go into the Ephesian study correctly, you need to build your life's profile of what is coming out of those seven churches that basically you can attest to that's in your life today. Now that's going to change as we move through Ephesians, but you need to begin to have that basis. You can't go back to this. So what I ask you to do is ask you to take the structure of the document that we put out in Ephesians, the handout, and apply that to your individual life on all seven churches, and then add and subtract from that as we move forward over the next several weeks. That's number one. Number two, I want you to continue to read the book of Revelations every week, and I want you for the next two weeks to do a word search on Paul, and I want you to read everything you can find out about Paul because we're going to be breaking it down. All right, then I want you, once you read the information by Paul, begin to identify your life's structure, the areas of the seven churches that apply to your life. I want you to begin to apply Paul's teaching that you read to that personal assessment, okay, in adding or subtracting what you may feel that you need to do to adequately assess your life, okay? So that's the study. That's the end of the letter C. So comments, questions, study points, whatever. Victoria? Could you just repeat that last? Yeah, what I want you to do is when you do a study on Paul, I'm not asking you to read every, I'm just, where Paul is mentioned in the Bible, there are going to be some verses that you come across if you do this that will add or subtract to your personal assessment of the conditions of the seven churches. So when you find those verses, okay, we're going to get really into this in detail in Ephesians, but I want you to understand that there are other verses, not just in Ephesians, that apply to your personal assessment. So if you just do as a research on Paul, like Esau, going to put Paul, and read the verses that are brought up and read the verses with intent of understanding what Paul's telling you in relationship to your personal assessment based upon the conditions of the seven churches. Got it? So let me pull the website up. Oh, I don't know why that happened. Okay, so I want to share a screen. And this is in edit mode, guys. Just bear with me because I'm trying to lay out what I need to do down here. But up here in the mirror image of Revelations, I put up the church outline. This is the outline that you need to convert to your personal assessment of all the seven churches. Instead of a church, you put yourself up there, and as you go through the churches, identify in this process, identify in this process to you. So instead of this being Ephesus, this should be him, okay? And you can actually begin to look at this and look at the accommodations and concerns and exhortations and the promise to the overcomer and begin to put your personal assessment into this, okay? Follow me? Good? So far? All right. So let me get out of this. Where do I do this? Oh, I just need to go back. Okay, so then what I want you to do is if you take ESWORD and you do a word search on Paul. Let's see. I can't do that with this screen up. You do a word search on Paul, you need a whole lot of scripture. Read those scriptures with Paul referenced and read them in light of your adding or subtracting from your personal assessment, what Paul tells you. So what you're building is a framework of you. So when I go into Ephesians and look at the doctrine of Ephesians, you're going to say, oh my gosh, now I understand what this means. And then when we go into the application of that doctrine, you're going to see what you need to do to correct or might change the way you live your life so you're in accordance with the doctrine of scripture, okay? Because we're going to get into all that detail. All right, so let me go back. I've also added something to tonight's lecture. I've added kingdom parables. You need to print this out and read it because you're going to see that the kingdom parables that Christ put forth, the seven of them all mirror the churches, okay? The tares, the weeps, all that stuff. So you have seven kingdom parables and it deals all in Matthew and all of these apply to the seven churches, okay? And you need to read that in conjunction to the seven churches. And then in addition, okay, I've given you all this. In addition to that, what you're going to find is Paul wrote seven letters to the churches and they mirror image one another to the seven letters that Christ had John write to these, okay? And the reason why I want to identify is because you will now begin to see that Paul's ministry was set up to mirror Christ's ministry except, excuse me, the condition of the gospel, Paul was believe in Christ's death and the blood atonement. Jesus was to know who I am, which is your Messiah, the King of the Jews, okay? So there's a lot of good information in here that you need to print out and read in association with understanding not only the seven letters to the churches from Christ in Revelation, but the seven letters in Paul. And now you can understand the parables. I've given you explanations of the parables as it relates to the letters of the seven churches, okay? All right, anything else? Jim, should we use the last three chapters of Ephesians as well to critique some of this? No, I want to study Ephesians. I don't want you to go in and do that. I want us to study Ephesians in detail, okay, which is going to take some time. And then at that point in time, as we move through that study, then at that point, Sam, take it and do what you've suggested. Yes, but I want to study them first. I don't want you to go through because you put a mindset of what you think those scriptures mean. And what I want to do is I want to give you the truth of those scriptures and then allow you to take them and apply them. I don't want you to try to do something that we haven't talked about. All right, thank you. All right, guys, any questions? Anything about the seven letters, anything that you, in your studies, anything about them you want to bring up? So the first three churches, they're all Islamic churches now? Yes, they are. Okay, so I'm, I gotta go back and read that. All right, okay, I got that now. I have a question about the way we just talked about in the, when you were under the subject of Overcomer and it was with Sardis. What does it mean to walk in white with Christ? Sorry. The white garments, basically. It is garments. Yeah, you're purifying yourself. Christ, we get white garments when we go to heaven. Okay. Okay, we get fine. Okay, you think about, you get the finest of linen in whites when you go to heaven. That's what you get and that's what's cool about it. Anything else, guys? I do have a question. I was talking to someone about baptism and they were saying that you have to be emerged in the water and that's what I thought, that we had, I mean, it's, I was talking about Paul's ministry, you know, and which I wasn't intelligent enough to speak of it yet, so I shouldn't have brought that up to them, you know, because I need to, but when he said emerged, I know a lot of people believe that. That's Old Testament. That's what they had to do. Go back to John the Baptist. That's what John the Baptist taught and that's what the 11 apostles taught. You were to know that Jesus was the Messiah, the King of the Jews. Right. Okay, when you came to that understanding, to seal it, you got water baptized. Okay. In Paul's gospel, he even tells you in Scripture that I, we do not do water baptism. We do spirit baptism by you believing of the death, resurrection, and blood sacrifice for our sins. Okay. Okay. So the difference is, do you want to understand Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John's Old Testament view of the gospel or do you want to believe Paul's view of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15? Okay. That's the difference. That's the reason why people are so confused. Yeah. Okay. It's because the pulpit teaches the gospel of the Old Testament. They don't teach the gospel of Paul, but it's very clear. I've already shown you the Scriptures. This is not my opinion. I've shown you in Scriptures. You're going to get again in spades next Thursday night. Okay. The Old Testament is focused to whom? The Jews, the Israelites, not the Gentiles. So the Old Testament is completely focused to the Jewish Israelites. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, because Christ came and he says, I have come, okay, for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not the Gentiles. So everything he taught was going back to the Israelites. Okay. Okay. All of that stuff goes back to, and there wasn't even water baptism until John the Baptist. There's a different salvation prior to John the Baptist. Okay. We're going to get into that on Thursday night. I'm going to show you the salvations through the Scripture so you can see them. So Adam and Eve, the only thing of salvation that Adam and Eve had to do was not eat the freaking tree of life, but you know that that was the condition of why they were developed. So that goes away. Okay. But for everybody of their children, okay, their salvation to Noah was to stay on that hill. Remember, they put them into the cave of treasures, right? And it was at the top of the hill. And he says, don't commingle with the people in the valley. That was their ability of salvation. As long as they stayed up on the hill, they were fine. When they went down to the valley, they weren't. That was their condition of salvation. Now, Noah's condition of salvation was build the boat and get in the boat. Right. Okay. So all along this history of the Bible, there's not one salvation. God made conditions to the people of that time to create a process of salvation along the way. Abraham didn't have to do anything. It was a bilateral contract, but it was not even signed by Abraham. God put him asleep to sign it. It was a one-way contract. God says, I promise you I'm going to do this now. Go to sleep and just live by what I tell you to do. It was tested. It was tested by him taking Isaac up to the mountain for sacrifice. That was his only test in this whole thing. Then you had Moses. Moses was the law. All of the stuff back from Adam and Eve to Noah to Abraham went away. Moses' salvation was obey the law. And Christ came back to fulfill the law and cancel the law. Because why? He was going to die for our sins. So the new salvation process was while he was here, John the Baptist came along and said, okay, you need to believe that Christ is your Messiah, Jewish people. And if you do that, you need to be water baptized to seal the deal. That's the reason why Christ was baptized, because he was focused on the Jews. And he had to fulfill the law. The law said you got to be baptized. So he fulfilled the law, but his death canceled the law. So now it was not who he was as the Messiah. It was what he did for the world. And what he did for the world was the gospel that the church was created on in 1 Corinthians 15, one through four, Paul's gospel. And it was not, it has nothing to do with water baptism. Okay. Okay. And we're going to get into all that. I'm going to give you all of the scriptures in there. But we got to understand in our minds that the Bible is a continual flow of people relating and have a relationship to God or Christ. And along that way, God changed the requirement of that flow. How you deal with me. Okay. And when he did that, that was a change in your salvation. Yeah. Okay. Because at the rapture, think about this, at the rapture, the church goes away. And when the church goes away, the Jews that were blinded in Romans, by Paul told you that in Romans, the Jews that were blinded in Romans now come back to play and God deals with them in the great tribulation. And what did they go under? The law. All of Paul's gospel of 1 Corinthians 15, one through four, is done with when the church is raptured. All of Paul's gospels go away. Correct. But when the church is raptured, it goes back to what Moses did in the law. Okay. But so when the Jewish then are in the tribulation, that they have to come to Paul's. No, no, no, no. That's done. If they want to be saved today, they have to follow Paul's gospel. When that rapture takes place and the church goes away, the salvation and Paul's gospels and all of Paul's books don't apply to the Jews. Okay. All of that goes with the church. So the Jews now are open back up into what? The kingdom, the millennium, because that's what Christ taught. He taught about his kingdom. What do you think that kingdom is? He was teaching about the millennium. So he's telling the Jews, guys, we got to get over here. I'm teaching you that I'm your Messiah. I'm going to protect you. I'm going to do all this stuff, but you've got to get over here, guys. Wow. And that's what his kingdom that he was teaching was the millennium. Okay. Okay. To the Jews. So when the rapture takes place and the church goes away, who's here? The Jews. The Jews. Yeah. And those of the Gentiles that didn't believe in Christ, all of that mess. Okay. Now, in the millennium, in the tribulation, to be saved, you're going to get your head cut off. You can't say any plainer than that. You'll be beheaded. Beheaded. If you want to be saved, you'll be beheaded. All right. So you better come to Christ before then because not a lot of you are going to make beheadings. Now, when you see that on the movies, it's like, wow. Thanks, Jim. Okay. I understand everything you're saying. It makes absolute sense. The law brings bondage. And I wanted you to reconcile the Great Commission. Go you therefore into all the world. So John the Baptist said there comes one greater than I who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. So the Great Commission then is referring to the baptism of the Holy Spirit that happens at salvation. Is it not? That's true. Okay. All right. Well, that's where the church teaches, then, that you must be saved and baptized. Right? Yeah. Because they're teaching the Old Testament gospel. They're not teaching Paul's gospel. Right. And they get off into bondage and legalism. Right. And the law was canceled at the death of Christ. I mean, they're not put the seminaries have not put this together for the preachers. Okay. But it's right there in Scripture. Christ says, I came to fulfill the law and he canceled the law no longer existed upon his death. So there's no legalism there. Okay. And he said he gave Paul the new gospel of faith by what he did. And immediately upon believing, we get sealed in our salvation by the spirit baptism. There's no water baptism required in Paul's gospel. But that's what the church, the church, the churches teach is that's where they get that out of the Great Commission. Right. They're teaching that it's water baptism and it's not. Right. It's salvation. Right. Cool. Okay. Thank you. So, Jim, none of the ministers have been taught that in their. Remember. Okay. Remember what there's a there's an agenda here. Okay. Okay. The agenda is they want to take you back to the Catholic Church. Yes. That's the whole seminary agenda. They're going to lead you down a path of certain Bible truths, and then they want to redirect you to the Catholic Church. Because that's Satan. Remember, who wants to control the world? Okay. That's the reason for the change in all of the Bibles out there. Okay. If you've gone through the selecting the right Bible, those four teachings that are very detailed, guys, I'm not going to redo them. Robert does an excellent job at those. Okay. Gives you exactly what they're doing, and it gives you all the Scripture references. Oh, my. Okay. So, everything in this world is for this world. Remember, the Catholic Church persecuted the Jews, persecuted the Christians. They didn't want the Christians in there. They put out a hit on Martin Luther. They don't want anything in this. Okay. They want the world to be what they used to be when they were in the old ancient history back in Thyatira in the Middle Ages. That's what they want. Wow. And that's what they're teaching in seminary. Mm-hmm. Isn't it? It's all in the name of bondage. It's slavery. Oppressed and in bondage. Yeah. Slavery. Absolutely. Religion. Yeah. Yeah. Jim. Demony. I have a question. Go ahead. Sorry, I didn't know if you could hear me. So, Acts 238 through 42, it talks about being baptized and during the day of Pentecost and being added to the church. Where does it change after that? So, how do you know to transition from what that's teaching? You have to get into Acts after the stoning of Stephen in about Acts 16, and it talks about the transition to Paul. Babe, we're going to go through that starting next Thursday night. Okay. That would be cool. Okay. Again, God says no stone unturned. We're going to lay this out. We're going to rightly divide the Bible, how you study it, the events, the people, all that stuff, and we're going to get into Paul. We're going to do that. So, just got to bear with me as we go through this, but we're going to hit all of this when we go through it. Thank you. Norma Jean. Could you go back and clarify again? Because I'm kind of confused about the law that required John the Baptist to baptize Jesus. Jesus had to fulfill the law. That's what's his purpose for coming. It's right in this picture. I have come not to destroy the law or change the law. I have come to fulfill the law. Okay. And the law was given to John the Baptist to teach the who of Jesus, meaning the Messiah, and water baptism. But when Christ died on the cross, the law was no longer in existence. He fulfilled the law with his death. So, the law went away. Right. Yeah, I understand that. I guess I was not clear on the fact that John the Baptist was fulfilling the law to baptize Jesus. Okay. Let me pull this up. Let me get in here. And I also asked because my son even said, well, if Jesus is a Christ, why did he need to be baptized? Because he had to fulfill the law. Okay. And that's what I was not clear on. Because remember, John says, I should, John even told Jesus, I shouldn't baptize you because you're greater than me. Right. And Jesus says, no, you have to do this to fulfill the law. Yeah, I guess I just was not sure. Okay. So, in Matthew 3, 13 through 17, let's just read this. Then Jesus came to the Galilee to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him saying, I need to be baptized by you. And why do you come to me? Jesus replied, let it be so now. It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness, which was the law. Okay. Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment, heaven was open. He saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and a light and a lighting on him and a voice. And heaven says, this is my son who am I love with him. I am well because he fulfilled everything to get rid of the law at that moment. Now, all he had to do was die. Okay. That's really it. All right. Thank you. Okay. David. So, just taking up what you just said just then, the last thing you had to do was die. Did he know that that was going to happen to him? He knew that before creation was created. Right. Okay. Now, the other thing that I... I'm 78. Yeah. I've been to church. I am finding out things now that I had no idea about. And yes, I'm struggling with it a bit, but I'm coming to an understanding of it. What about the children who haven't been to church? They haven't been given a grounding of the Bible and the understanding, and yet they're Christian. And so, are they the ones that in the end are going to have to have their heads chopped off because they don't believe in Christ? They haven't come to understand God and Jesus and accept them. Remember what the Scripture says. The Scripture says that basically all the children prior to the age of accountability are in Christ's arms and are safe. They don't have to worry about it. It's those who reach the age of accountability that basically do not know the truth, and they have not made a choice as to which direction they're moving. That's the ones that we need to get to. Right. Yeah. Thank you. All right, guys. Anything else? Well, so, Jim, if they haven't, if the ministers haven't been taught that and they haven't taught their congregations the right way, then everybody will go to the pit. Remember the older guy that I put up because what he said he saw in heaven was Scripture? Remember that? You remember that, near-death experience? Yes. Yes, I do. Yeah. All right. He was a minister. Yeah. He was a foster of children. He was doing everything physically right, but spiritually he hadn't given it to God. Yeah. Okay. So, yes. Okay. And it says in Scripture, you're going to come to me and say, I've done all these great works in your name, done everything. And he says, go away. I never knew you. Okay. And that's the reason why we're doing this week, our weekly study, and the substack is sovereignty. Right. Because if you don't give your life to Christ in all of its sovereignty, glory, you've just caused yourself a problem. Now, wait till we get to prayer, because now we unfold this communication channel with God, and you're going to be flabbergasted again. Okay. I'm trying to unveil so many truths to you right now, at this time, so that you can get a handle on where you're at. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, got it. Yeah. So, you're learning about who you are from the Genesis 6 stuff. You're learning about how your relationship and what it needs to be in our weekly type articles on particular topics. Right now, it's in sovereignty. Okay. You're getting it through these studies. I mean, you're getting it through the educational courses. I don't know how much more I can give to you to get this. You have to begin to apply it. Okay. Yes. Yeah, that's it. Go ahead. No, that's okay. I've got it. Just have to apply it. Well, nobody can do that other than you. Yeah. No, that's very true. Anything else, guys? I have a question, Jim. Sure, Scott. One thing that's always, I've always wondered, knowing that Christ knew that he had to die, and he, you know, he's God manifest on earth. He knows everything. Why, when he was on the cross, did he say, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Okay, that is the only time that he addressed God as God. Do you understand that? All throughout Scripture, he addressed his conversation with God as his father. That's the only time he addressed him as God. Why? Because all of the sins had just been given to him. So he was hanging on the cross with the weight of the world's sins, and that relationship to his father has gone away because he became a sinful man. He died sinfully. Okay, so that relationship, only person ever born in this world that did this, that relationship that he had with his father all in his walk until he was put on that cross, he had that relationship until it was time. And can you just imagine that God was just piling up on him all of the sins of the world, all of this weight. Can you just imagine the magnitude of feelings that he had to have? And what he did is he cried out to God. He says, God, God, why have you forsaken me? Why have you put me into this situation that I have to bear all of this? Because I have lost my relationship with you. I have no relationship. So he couldn't call him his father. He had to call him God. Thank you. Yeah. I think that helps. Yeah. Then that had to be the lowest point for Jesus at that moment when God had forsaken him. You know what, when we did the first communion and I used the story about the two bodies, I wanted that weight that you felt. I wanted you to feel that weight. If you had to carry that dead body with all of the sins of the world into that room, that weight you should have felt. Because think about your heaviness. And now you have the entire sins of the world that you're carrying. That body, you're carrying the sins of the world. That dead body is heavy. And then he says, oh, let me take that. Let me give you this light thing over here. Okay. Yeah. You're nobody. It's light. It has nothing like this. Yeah. I mean, and all I can say is I wish pastors would teach the scriptures correctly, because that's what happened. God was sitting in heaven because Christ couldn't do it. He was hung on the cross. God was sitting in heaven because, you remember, it was him himself in sonship. So God was understanding the weight, but he had to continue to pile it on. He had to pile the whole sinful world onto him. Yeah. He suffered God's wrath. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's why I said, God, why are you forsaking me? Because God just kept saying here. Yes. Yes. And you and I, I mean, the saved will never have to experience God forsaking us. Oh, no. And I cannot even fathom what that would be like without, you know, God. And so just, you know, it's just to think that Jesus, you know, there's all different facets that we can look at of his suffering. And that had to be the lowest point. Yeah. Yeah. What else, guys? Jim, this is kind of switching, going back to John the Baptist. But also when, you know, Jesus had John the Baptist baptize him, that was also his coming out day to begin his ministry. And it was the day that God validated him as the son of God. Was it not? I mean, yes. Yeah. John the Baptist role was God gave John the Baptist a ministry. And you find this in Matthew chapter three, verses one to 13. John was to prepare the Israelites for the coming of the Messiah. So he was to teach the Israelites who this Messiah was, because they didn't know him by Messiah. They didn't know him by that name. So he was there to teach the Israelites who this Messiah was, which was the king of the Jews. And when they understood that, then the baptism was the Jewish ritual inside the law to seal that knowledge base. That was the whole part of it. Yeah. And God validated him. John chapter one makes that clear. That was God's validation. Also, validation to John the Baptist. Oh, yeah. Because even though they were cousins, they never really knew each other. You got to think about this. John the Baptist and Jesus didn't meet until he walked into the river. Right. Yeah. And they were cousins. Yeah. And so it was John's validation. Also, you know that the one he had been in the name he had been baptizing in, you know, that was validation to him. And, you know, something else that just came to my mind when Herod had John the Baptist, you know, put in prison. Right. He sent his disciples to verify that Jesus was the son of God. So, you know, it was validation that he kind of doubted it. Is this, you know, anyone just. I mean, I'm thinking out loud. I'm thinking out loud. OK, this is an example of studying the scriptures. OK, because you get John the Baptist throughout the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and you got to piece it together. You're going to get a piece here and a piece over here. And you've got to put them together to understand the story of John the Baptist. You can't go read one scripture and say, oh, now I got the John the Baptist. No, no, no, no. You can't even do that with Jesus. OK, can't even do that with Jesus. OK, you have to study all the scriptures to get the correct story. Because John the Baptist lived in the wilderness. Oh, yeah. All his life. All his life. He had never seen Jesus, you know. Again, I'm thinking out loud. Yeah, yeah. And the Jewish, the reason why baptism, it was in the Jewish ritual, is because that was the cleansing process. John, what Christ, I guess, I guess I'd like to think about it this way. God told John the Baptist, go teach about the Messiah, tell them who it is and make sure they take a bath before they meet him. Because that was a ritual, because the baptism was for cleanliness. They didn't want somebody to come up to Christ that stunk. If you read the scripture, that was the Jewish ritual. Baptism was to cleanse them, not soul-wise, just bathe them in water. That was the Jewish ritual, because the baptism was a symbol of repentance. And if you recall, sin is uncleanness. So when you put all this together, it's like, OK, somehow, sometimes this is like a comic story. OK, because when you read it, you say, oh, my gosh, you know, yeah, they were baptized. OK, but it was it was an identification of the repentance of their basis of understanding that this Messiah was not their king. And now they understand it. So they're going to get baptized. And that's the repentance. That's really what it is. But when you go to the other scriptures and it says, OK, it was a Jewish ritual to baptize them. I mean, if you get into the traditions, totally immersed in water was this was basically to symbolize cleansing. And the problem that is they all needed to have a bath. So, I mean, you got to study this. You've got to study the wholeness of it. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. And thank you, Jim. As Victoria said, I too am putting all the pieces together. So it just amazes me how much information there is. And I'm reading as fast as I can and soaking it up and I'm getting bits and pieces. And now it's starting to really come together. So thank you for being patient with me. Oh, I hope I'm patient with everybody. You know, I can't work faster. I mean, you guys are getting as much as I can give you at any single moment. I can tell you that. And I can't read faster. I know. Isn't that too, Jim, like the tabernacle, like all the cleanliness and the altar and all of that in the Jewish with the Levites and all that, that just shows that they couldn't come, you know, only the Levites could be, you know, at the altar and it had to be clean. Yeah, but it's because that basically when you approach God, you need to be pure. Right. Okay. Think about that in your life. Okay. And when we get into prayer, it's going to come more prevalent to you. Okay. Because purity is holiness. And that's when we wake up, right? Yeah, I can, I can almost bet you that your prayer life is not holiness. All right. I can almost give you a reciting of your prayers every day. Because in generality, that's typically how we're taught to pray. And that's not holiness. Okay. So when are we doing the prayer? Oh, so I can't do any more right now. Sovereignty, and then we'll get into prayer. But, you know, you guys need to do your studying based upon what you need in your life. Don't do it. I'm doing it because it's a process. I'm doing it as a teaching thing. I can't, you know, you guys know where you are in your life. You need to study to improve your life. And in the process, that's what Tuesday nights are for. If you got any issues, we need to talk about. Okay, that's where it's supposed. So don't study what I put out. I'm doing it for a process because they don't know where you're at. Okay, so I'm just giving you the elements of the foundation and what you need to study, you need to study what you need to study. Okay. Okay. And Jim, you've done this for 40 years. And you're a long time. Yeah. And now you're trying to give us the final exam cramming in three years. Well, I'm trying not to do that. I'm trying to give you an array of topics that basically you can start connecting the dots. Okay. If you were in Bible school, you're linear. You're linear in your studies. Okay. What I have tried to do is make you, this is a bad word, simultaneous in understanding the dots. If you studied everything that's put out, you could connect the Bible dots pretty quickly. And that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to give you as much information as I can, because I think this is happening pretty quick. What's happening pretty quick? I think life's going to change pretty quick. I think you're going to see the rapture of church happen pretty quick. And you're going to see the second coming. You're going to see the tribulation happen. But hopefully, you're in the mezzanine seats. Does the star, our star we're connected to, does it go away when we pass? No. So my brother passed a couple of years ago, so it's still up there, connected, that hologram. Okay. I was, I'm in a mood to talk, so this guy's just barely in. I'll shut up here in a bit. I was doing study today on, because I was studying today on the rapture, so let me just do that. And the reason why I was studying it is because I like to find ways of how it's communicated. It's not the doctrine or the theological point, but how it's taught can either emphasize to you all of the truth at once, or you know, we're going to have to deal with it in pieces. So I like to study, that's how I study. So I was doing all kinds of rapture things today. And it's interesting to think about how I was going to present the, our heavenly bodies at the time of the rapture, because you get them at the rapture. Okay. I don't know what you guys, I mean, scripture says that when Christ comes back and makes that call, what he's calling, okay, because it's the dead in Christ rise first, what he's doing is calling the spirits are already with him. So you got to think about this. The spirits are already with him. So who's he calling? Number one. Okay. Because the dead in Christ rise first, and then those that are alive and remain are brought up next. Okay. So you got to think about that in scripture and process. He doesn't make one call. He makes two calls. One call is the dead in Christ rise first. And then those that are left, he makes another calling. We just goes up. We're done. Okay. But in that process, we all get new bodies. Okay. The dead in Christ, the ones that are dead, they get bodies, they make their spirits already with God. So what God is doing is calling the body. He's calling the body because the spirits are already there. So his calling in the first part of this is to call that celestial body. And why does he have to make that call? That's what I was trying to study today. How can I present why he makes that call? And it's fascinating to me to go, I mean, I'm dealing, I was listening to Spurgeon. I was listening, you know, all these back in history, 1900s. I was just there. How did you, how did you teach this? How did you know? And it was, it was just, it was fun to, to see these guys put that together in a manner by which they actually taught it correctly, but how they taught it was fascinating to me. We're going to get into that when we get to rapture, but yeah, guys studied the Bible to show yourself approved, approved to Him, to Christ. Because if you study the Bible and you get grounded in his word, when we get into Ephesians six and we talk about the armor, the armor, the armor guys, your feet, go back and read that. Ephesians six, 12, your feet stand on the word of God and you cannot pick up the sword. You cannot pick up the helmet of salvation and you cannot pick up the shield of faith. If you don't have the understanding of the word so you got to study guys, got to study. That's good. That's good, Jim. I've always wondered why the armor was in that order. The first three you live, the first three, there's six pieces, right? Yes. The first three you live your daily life in that armor, the belt of righteousness, truth. You have that. The chest plate to protect your heart, you live with that. Your feet need to be in the Bible. That means that basically you're walking with Christ through the Bible to understand the Bible. Because when you need to execute the sword, the sword in Ephesians says that sword is sharper than a TH sword, okay? That is the Holy Spirit that's the sharpen. That's not a sword. You don't take a sword into battle. That's the Holy Spirit inside of you that's sharper. Because why? You studied the Bible and you put it into your heart to execute the words because it is the words spoken at a particular event in your life that causes Christ to execute. And you can't do that if you don't know what the word says. Yeah, that's awesome. Our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, the word of God. That's awesome. And isn't the helmet of salvation last? Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, now it makes sense because we have to have the word. We've got to have the first one is the faith. If you don't have the faith, because the sword is the spoken word. So you got to have the shield of faith. You got to be able to speak that. Okay, there's a Greek word for that. We'll get into all of that. But basically, how you combat the world is through the regurgitation of the Bible, the spoken words. Okay, now you want to prove that? Go look at what Christ did. When Christ was tempted by Satan the three times, what did Christ quote to him? What did Christ say to him? It is written. It is written. It is written. He didn't say, oh, Satan, you're done. You know, go away. No, he just said a quote of scripture. It is written, man should not live by bread alone, but from every word of the mouth of God. And Satan cannot combat that. He has to bow. He has to bow. He has to bow. So our tribulation in our life, our issues in our life, and I'm telling you, this is why I'm going to spend a lot of time in Ephesians, because it's right there in Ephesians that gives you how to do this. But nobody's taught it. It's like, okay, sorry, I'm off. I'm finishing my tangent. Sam? Well, you kind of described the fourth and fifth dimensions there. A little bit. Yeah, because Ephesians 3, 14 through 19, they talk about all that, the length, width, and time. And we're going to pick up dimensions this weekend. I'm putting up videos for weekend stuff now. So your Saturdays and Sundays will be tied to videos, not reading. And it's going to be educating you on dimensions. So then for five dimension, that would be Isaiah 43, 7. You have a point, a line, an area, a body, and time. Yeah. Everything is called. Okay. Yeah, yeah. It's interesting. Yes, that's true. And we'll have to get into that scripture when we get into Isaiah. But there's 10 dimensions identified in the Bible. Yeah. Just going through and seeing how these are all laid out this way, though. I mean, it'd be fascinating. Because those are worlds. Since there are 12 of most things, but we have 10 commandments, do you think there were ever 12 commandments? Oh, you got to add the two great commissions into those commandments. You got to know the first thing. Yeah, the two great commissions. Okay. Okay. I put up in the education online stuff about the Apocalypse stuff. There's a step in there that I added in there that deals with the sevens in the Bible. You guys might want to take a look at that. All right. The Apocalypse goes with the Revelation. I thought I'd throw that out there in case some of you might want to more study in that. But in there, I put a step in there that talks about the sevens in the Bible. And I know where is all a collective list. I mean, but there's probably, I'd say, 50 or 60 that are identified in that step. So you can actually see how it works. All right, guys, anything else? We've exhausted our time. But that's okay. I loved it tonight. I hope you guys love the seven letters, because we're closing that out. We're going to move, or we're going to take those letters with us, because we're going to learn about ourselves, because we need to do that in order to make sure that we're prepared for the rapture. You need to get your life in order to do that, because when we get out of this Ephesians, we're going right into the rapture, which is where your focus should be on. Okay, so anyway. All right, guys. Okay, anything else? All right, so let's pray. Father, thank you for such a wonderful evening. We look to you and understand that your name is holy, that we can actually use down the name of Jesus and know that basically everything in this world is tied to that. He's your life, you're our healing, you're where we get our power, you're where we get our peace, and at the core of who you are is love. And without that, we have nothing in this process. So Father, we ask that you take this time together and bless it to our hearts. May we get an understanding together that is only can come from you. And we ask that you take and continue to bless this group, grow the group in your grace and your power. And Father, we look forward to the next time where we actually begin to get in to more of the details of your word so that we can actually comply with Ephesians 6 and 12. Ask all these things in my name. Okay, guys. Love you. Hope you had a good week. I will see you guys on Sunday for the next five chapters and numbers. And hopefully, hopefully, you'll be blessed from that as well. So anything else before we go? All right. Bye, friends. I will see you later. Thank you.